The period of validity of the residence permit in Russia
Residence permit issued to an alien for five years. Upon completion of the period of validity of the document, upon application of a foreign citizen, the document may be extended for another five years. The number of renewals of this document is limited.
Contact FMS for the renewal of the residence permit must be no later than two months prior to the expiration of the document.
You should also consider that the period of the application for renewal of a residence permit in the Russian Federation shall not exceed 2 months from the date of its adoption by the officials of the FMS.
Date of receipt of a residence permit in Russia
The date of receipt of the residence permit in the Russian Federation from the date of submission of the application to get a document should not exceed 6 months, provided proper execution of all necessary documents. The specified period, in some cases, maybe reduced.
The date of receipt of the residence permit will not exceed three months if:
• You are a citizen of the Republic of Belarus. The citizens of Belarus have the right to receive a residence permit in Russia within 3 months from the date of submission of the application for issuance of a residence permit, after the migration registration at the place of residence without obtaining the temporary residence permit;
• If You or a member of Your family who arrived on the territory of the Russian Federation is a highly qualified specialist.
Date of receipt of the residence permit will not exceed two months from the date of adoption in the FMS application and properly executed documents for a residence permit in the Russian Federation if You are a participant of the program of voluntary resettlement of compatriots to the Russian Federation living abroad.
Date of receipt of the residence permit will not exceed fifteen working days if:
• an alien granted asylum in the Russian Federation
• if the applicant terminated the Russian citizenship.
Not considered an application for a residence permit in the Russian Federation of foreigners, whose identity, citizenship, temporary residence permit has an expiration date of less than 6 months.
Grounds for obtaining a residence permit, order, registration, registration and re-registration of a residence permit in the Russian Federation, the list of documents, application for a residence permit in the Russian Federation is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from November 1, 2002 No. 794.
All questions regarding this document, submission of applications, a decision on granting a residence permit, addressed the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation, issued a residence permit (permit), also the FMS.
The advantages of a residence permit (permit) for foreigners and stateless persons.
• Residence permit in the Russian Federation gives a foreign national the ability under certain conditions and execute all legal requirements to obtain citizenship of the Russian Federation
• Having a residence permit in Russia, the foreign national receives a pension and the right to independently, without coordination with the Federal Service to choose their place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.
• Also, having a residence permit in the Russian Federation, the foreigner is entitled to carry out labor activity on the territory of the Russian Federation. That is, after receiving a residence permit, the foreigner is not required to obtain a work permit, to issue quotas, and when changing the region of residence is not required to pass through all the stages again, a foreign citizen has the right to work legally in any region of Russia.
• Residence permit in the Russian Federation allows a foreigner to constantly register on the territory of the Russian Federation.
• To enter and leave Russia without a visa.
• A foreign citizen is not obliged to renounce his / her citizenship.
Responsibilities of an alien having a residence permit in Russia
In addition to expanding and increasing the number of rights, permanently residing in the Russian Federation, the foreigner or the stateless person shall:
• Annually confirm accommodation in the country, at the place of receipt of the residence permit, the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. Is done by them personally or by post, or via the Internet, using a Single portal of public and municipal services, sending a notification in the form of an electronic document.
Violating this requirement, the alien may be held by officials of the Federal migration service of the Russian Federation to administrative liability under parts 1 and 3 tbsp. 18.8. The administrative code.
• Do not leave the territory of the Russian Federation for more than six months. If a foreign citizen or a stateless person who has a residence permit in the Russian Federation, is located outside of Russia for more than 6 months, this fact is a ground for revocation of a residence permit in Russia.
A foreign citizen with a residence permit in the Russian Federation is obliged to support themselves and their family members without the assistance of the state within, not below the subsistence minimum. If the alien is unable to present the documents confirming his official income is below the subsistence minimum established in the Russian Federation, the residence permit in the Russian Federation canceled (does not apply to persons recognized as disabled).
If you want to obtain a residence permit in the Russian Federation (permit) quickly, without any hassle and delays "OO Resettlement" is ready to provide timely, expert assistance in all aspects of the registration of a residence permit in Russia.
We will advise on all aspects of obtaining a residence permit in the Russian Federation.
Correctly complete the statements, letters, petitions, and other documentation necessary for obtaining a residence permit in the Russian Federation.
Transfer and notary shall confirm all necessary documents.
Our lawyers will guide You to obtain the Federal Migration Service of the residence permit (permit), and citizenship of the Russian Federation, the temporary residence permit, and other permits "turnkey".
The documents necessary for obtaining a residence permit
The documents submitted for obtaining a residence permit:
• The application form in 2 copies (Download Application form (doc)).
• 4 photo 35 x 45 mm, preferably in bright clothing, including minor children, the above statement in paragraph 21.
• Documents proving the identity and citizenship - notarized translation of the passport (not reviewed the documents, if the period of validity and the validity of the passport at least 6 months).
• Duly permission to a temporary residence permit (temporary residence permit).
• A copy of the notice of confirmation of stay in the Russian Federation (annually).
• A document confirming that the applicant has sufficient funds, providing him and his family members staying in the Russian Federation living wage, or proof of his disability (certificate of income of physical persons, the income statement with a mark of tax authority, certificate of employment, employment history, pension certificate, proof of social security for benefits, confirmation of receipt of child support, proof of the existence of a Deposit in a credit institution with specifying the account number, certificate of inheritance, a certificate of income of persons dependent which is the applicant, any other document confirming the receipt of income from not prohibited by law or disability).
• Marriage certificate and a copy of spouse's passport.
• Birth certificate of the child and the document proving the identity of a child under 18 years of age (passport, if available).
• The consent of a child aged 14 to 18 years residence in the Russian Federation. The signature of the child on the document must be notarized.
• Certificate the lack of the applicant (his family members) HIV infection is a document issued by a competent institution of the health of the Russian Federation confirming that the applicant (his family members) are not sick addiction, leprosy (of Hansen disease), tuberculosis, syphilis, chancroid, chlamydial lymphogranuloma).
• The document confirming the existence of accommodations (financial account, an extract from the house register, certificate of ownership, notarized consent to the accommodation of all adult citizens registered in this area).
• Individual tax number (only for citizens neighboring countries).
• Receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 2,000 rubles.
The renewal of the residence permit:
• The statement in the 1st instance (Download Application form (doc)).
• Photocopy of the residence permit.
• A valid document of identity and nationality, with notarized translation into the Russian language.
• A copy of the notice of confirmation of stay in the Russian Federation (annually).
• A valid residence permit in the Russian Federation with a note of registration by place of residence and marks of re-registration carried out annually according to the requirements of Art. 21 of the Federal law Of the Russian Federation dated 25.07.2002, No. 115-FZ "On legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation".
• One of the documents, proving the applicant's means, providing him and his family members staying in the Russian Federation living wage, or proof of his disability (certificate of income of physical persons, the income statement with a mark of tax authority, certificate of employment, employment history, pension certificate, proof of social security for benefits, confirmation of receipt of alimony, certificate of Deposit in a credit institution, indicating the account number, certificate of inheritance, a certificate of income of persons dependent which is the applicant, any other document confirming the receipt of income from not prohibited by law or disability).
• The document confirming the existence of accommodations (financial account, an extract from the house register, certificate of ownership, notarized consent to the accommodation of all adult citizens registered in this area).
• Receipt of payment of state duty in the amount of 2,000 rubles.