General Russian Visa Information.

In general, it’s recommended that US citizens apply for 3-year multiple businesses, private, humanitarian, and tourist visas (please have a look at the correspondent visa type information).
The following documents should be submitted in order to obtain a visa according to its category:
1. Completed visa application signed by the Applicant only. Incomplete visa application forms shall not be processed.
Application available online at http://visa.kdmid.ru
All questions in the application form should be answered. If a question is not applicable to the applicant, he should put “N/A”.
Each application form must be signed by the visa applicant personally.
2. Valid national passport (original only and it should have at least two clear visa pages). It must be valid no less than six months after the visa expiration date. Holders of travel documents such as: Permit to Re-Enter the United States of America, Travel Document, etc. must submit valid Permanent Resident Card (an original and a copy).
3. One picture of an applicant. Russian visa photo specifications.
4. Money Order or Certified Bank Check made out to the Russian Consulate for visa processing. Please note that we do not accept cash, credit or debit cards, personal or company checks.
5. Invitation to Russia from a host person or organization.
Dear Applicants, when applying for a Russian visa please be advised that
• In order to expedite and improve the visa obtaining process as well as for security concerns the Consular Division is no more processing visa applications by mail, starting from June 1, 2010.
• Non-US citizens should also provide proof of legality of their stay in the USA (US Resident Alien status, form I-94) when applying for a visa.
• Applicants who used to be citizens of the USSR or the Russian Federation and emigrated from the USSR or from Russia must submit one of the documents which confirm that they are no longer citizens of the Russian Federation (so-called "Visa to Israel" or stamp in their passport saying that they left for "permanent residence abroad" before February 06, 1992, or an official document certifying that their Russian citizenship was renounced), otherwise the applications will not be accepted.
• In accordance with Russian laws citizens of the Russian Federation regardless of any other citizenship they may have, must travel to Russia on valid Russian documents only.
• Visa processing starts only after the Consular Division has collected all necessary documents.
• Visa processing fee is not refundable.
• Type of visa or dates of entry/departure can not be changed or extended. If your travel plans have changed after the visa issuance you have to reapply for a new visa.
• After you received your visa, please check all the data indicated in it and, if necessary, return it to the Consular Division for corrections. The Consular Division will not be responsible for any mistakes in the visas, which were not brought to our attention prior to your departure from the US.
• Any visa applicant may be interviewed by the consular officer, if necessary.
• Processing time, requirements, and fees are subject to change without notice.
• In certain cases the Consular Division is entitled to consider visa applications as long as it necessary. Visa can be denied if the Consular Division has serious reasons to believe that an applicant's entry into or stay in the territory of the Russian Federation will not be desirable.
• Please be advised that a person can not have two valid visas in one passport. In this case, the first visa is to be canceled.
On the 1st of June, 2007 the Russia-EU Visa Facilitation Agreement came into force and according to its provisions visa processing fees are changed for the citizens of the following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Hungary, Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Germany, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Estonia.
Citizens of these countries should submit a national medical insurance certificate valid for Russia or guarantee medical coverage from a Russian hosting organization for all periods of stay. A medical insurance certificate should contain a Russian contact phone number for emergency or assistance.
However, these provisions are not valid for the countries which did not sign the Agreement: the United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark, Iceland, and Norway.
Holders of diplomatic passports of the countries mentioned above do not need a visa to enter Russia for 90 days.