Adoption in the Russian Federation

In the Russian Federation, adoption is governed by the Family Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law on the State Database on Children Left Without Parental Care. The laws regulate only adoption of children born on the territory of the Russian Federation. The legislation does not specify the rules and procedures for intercountry adoption.
Citizenship of children adopted abroad is governed by the Federal Law on Citizenship of the Russian Federation. Adopted children may be the subject of bilateral treaties as well if such a treaty exists with a specific country.
The Russian Federation is a signatory to the Hague Adoption Convention, but it has not been ratified by the Parliament (the Federal Assembly). Citizenship by descent is available for children adopted abroad.
As a legal successor to the former Soviet Union, Russia’s rules and procedures for the acquisition of its citizenship for individuals from the countries of the former Soviet Union are less restrictive.
In 2020, the Russian Federation introduced simplified rules and procedures for the acquisition of citizenship.
The Law on Citizenship provides that, in the case of the adoption of children from the Russian Federation, the children retain their Russian citizenship. If a Russian parent(s) adopt a child abroad, the adopted child acquires Russian citizenship from the day of adoption.
Adults adopted by Russians must acquire Russian citizenship by obtaining permanent residence permits.